Code Blue is in effect for Lancaster County between the evening of Sunday, January 19th and the morning of Saturday, January 25th.

Moderate Rehabilitation

The Mod Rehab program was established Under Section 524 of the Multifamily Assisted Housing Reform and Affordability Act of 1997 (MAHRA) (Public Law 105-65, October 27, 1997. Under this program, there are 8 affordable unit projects, some with more than one building. The building's individual units are subsidized like our HCV program vouchers. Tenants are chosen by the owner/landlord of the buildings and a normal landlord/tenant relationship is established. We provide rental assistance to a family while they are living in the unit. If a family moves out, rental assistance stops, the family is not entitled to a regular, transferable HCV voucher but may reapply for a different Mod Rehab unit. 

The Mod Rehab program is closed to new landlords.

Current owners may choose to opt out of the program, giving a one-year notice per HUD regulations.

Get involved with LCHRA

LCHRA’s mission is to promote a suitable living environment in Lancaster County to help increase quality of life for individuals and families in need.

Learn more about getting involved