LCHRA will be closing at Noon on December 24th and will reopen at 7:30 am on Thursday December 26th.

Moderate Rehabilitation

The Mod Rehab program was established Under Section 524 of the Multifamily Assisted Housing Reform and Affordability Act of 1997 (MAHRA) (Public Law 105-65, October 27, 1997. Under this program, there are 8 affordable unit projects, some with more than one building. The building's individual units are subsidized like our HCV program vouchers. Tenants are chosen by the owner/landlord of the buildings and a normal landlord/tenant relationship is established. We provide rental assistance to a family while they are living in the unit. If a family moves out, rental assistance stops, the family is not entitled to a regular, transferable HCV voucher but may reapply for a different Mod Rehab unit. 

The Mod Rehab program is closed to new landlords.

Current owners may choose to opt out of the program, giving a one-year notice per HUD regulations.

Get involved with LCHRA

LCHRA’s mission is to promote a suitable living environment in Lancaster County to help increase quality of life for individuals and families in need.

Learn more about getting involved