The LCHRA Offices will be closed on Monday, February 17th, 2025, in observation of Presidents' Day.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is an advisory committee of the Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority with the purpose of the development and implementation of strategic initiatives, programs for individuals and families facing or experiencing homelessness as part of the work of the Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition.  Members are from various sectors such as: lived experience, faith-based, substance abuse, education, healthcare, behavioral health, homeless service provider, County Commissioners Office, social services, philanthropic organizations, housing development, Youth Action Board chair, and area businesses. We have a rolling, year-round process for accepting new steering committee membership applications. To apply for membership to the Steering Committee contact Deb Jones at [email protected].

Steering Committee Members

Colon, Lisa

County of Lancaster

Crowley, Jack

Water Street Mission

Eby, Justin

Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority

Greener, Lisa

Community Basics

Heberlein, Andrea (Chair)

Pennsylvania Early Learning Commission

Holtry, Julie

Retired, Behavioral Health and Developmental Services

Jones, Deb (staff)

Director of Human Services and the Office of the Coalition

Martin, Jeffery MD

Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health

Mastros, Mandy

Lancaster Moravian Church

Moyer, Becca

Blueprints for Adddiction Recovery

Nagel, David

Homeless Advocacy Group

Reichenbach, Jimmy

Union Community Care

Rigard, Juno

Youth Action Board

Rivera, Lisette

School District of Lancaster

Surrett, Barry

Lancaster County Housing and Redevelopment Authority

Walt, Craig (Vice Chair)

City of Lancaster

Yoder, Alice (ex-officio)

Lancaster County Commissioner

Zimmerman, Kate

United Way of Lancaster


Action Teams

At times there is a need for smaller workgroups to lead Committee projects such as grant material creation and refinement, grant submission evaluations, event planning, governance issues, etc. Steering Committee members shall agree to regularly volunteer to serve on subcommittees and contribute expertise and diverse perspectives. Community members may also be recruited to serve on subcommittees/Action Teams.  If you would be interested in joining an Action Team, contact Deb Jones at [email protected].

  • Grant and NOFO Review Action Team
    • Focused on the Joint Funding Application process and assists the Office for the Coalition with reviewing and screening applicants for the NOFO
    • Reviews and scores applications, conducts internal meetings, and attends applicant presentations.
  • Nomination Action Team
    • Focused on expanding the membership of the Steering Committee to represent diverse perspectives and recruitment for subcommittees.
    • Networks, provides referrals, engages in interviewing potential candidates, and recruits additional members.
  • Community Engagement Action Team
    • Focused on developing and assisting with executing a communication plan and strengthening relationships.
    • Attends meetings, advocates for the Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition, and connects the director to community groups and agencies.
  • Housing Impact Action Team
    • Focused on housing needs, increasing capacity, identifying specific areas (vulnerable populations and city/rural) and networking.
  • Health Action Team
    • Focused on allocation and development of healthcare-related resources.
    • Creates a dashboard that tracks healthcare specifics and Point in Time integration with a focus on prevention, quality of services and outcomes.

    Steering Committee Meetings

    The Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition Steering Committee meets the 2nd Wednesday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September and November) at 3 pm in the 1st floor board room of the Lancaster County Housing & Redevelopment Authority, 28 Penn Square, Lancaster and virtually via Teams. The public is welcome to attend, please contact Beth Dreyer-DeGoede at [email protected] for the link.