The LCHRA Offices will be closed on Monday, February 17th, 2025, in observation of Presidents' Day.

Public & Homeless Services

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) may use a small percentage (15%) of its annual entitlement on public services including but not limited to:

Health care and health care accessibility, legal services, youth services, case management services, fair housing activities, outreach and crisis assistance, services for the homeless and homelessness prevention activities, and fiduciary services.

The majority of the County of Lancaster’s CDBG funds for public services have been spent on direct services to the following activities: housing, health, case management, legal services, and children and youth. The County prioritized the use of public service funds on housing and homeless related services. As part of this prioritization, the programs that do not address housing and homelessness are being phased out. New applications for programs that are not related to housing and homelessness will no longer be accepted.

The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) may fund programs that help persons experiencing homelessness to move quickly back into permanent housing. Eligible activities include rapid re-housing, emergency shelter, and homeless prevention.

Spearheaded by the Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition (LCHC), the County is a partner in the joint application pool along with the City of Lancaster and the United Way to fund homeless services. The County’s CDBG funds dedicated to housing and homelessness and the County ESG funds are part of this pool of funds. The application process for these funds are released in early January and are due four weeks later. The Steering Committee of the LCHC makes funding recommendations for the funds and the funding sources determine the source of funds for each program.

CDBG and ESG funds are not provided to individuals. All funds are provided to organizations providing services. To access the programs funded through the County’s CDBG and ESG funds, individuals must call 2-1-1 to undergo an eligibility determination. In accordance with HUD’s requirements, priority is given to persons that are living on the streets or in places unfit for human habitation (cars, garages, etc.). Persons that are doubled up with friends and family are not eligible for homeless services.

If you need help now

If you are an individual seeking public services or homeless services please contact the United Way of Lancaster County by dialing 211

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