The last day for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program will be September 30, 2024.

Housing Authority

Housing Choice Voucher Waitlist

The following application numbers have randomly been selected to be on the waitlist.

6491221 6492096 6492798 6494135 6495776 6497170 6499190 6502134 6504109 6505551
6491231 6492146 6492822 6494243 6495794 6497186 6499195 6502175 6504113 6505609
6491314 6492148 6492834 6494422 6495850 6497246 6499253 6502182 6504137 6505612
6491315 6492157 6492849 6494447 6495870 6497249 6499261 6502208 6504139 6505653
6491327 6492164 6492867 6494538 6495879 6497271 6499270 6502268 6504216 6505691
6491342 6492175 6492874 6494539 6495917 6497277 6499281 6502313 6504371 6505774
6491360 6492190 6492893 6494572 6495971 6497286 6499305 6502434 6504409 6505872
6491365 6492225 6492908 6494576 6495998 6497320 6499371 6502477 6504420 6505901
6491369 6492234 6492974 6494595 6496085 6497355 6499403 6502480 6504423 6505918
6491370 6492235 6493008 6494619 6496093 6497369 6499408 6502493 6504446 6505966
6491378 6492242 6493064 6494711 6496175 6497514 6499409 6502632 6504472 6505973
6491389 6492247 6493170 6494718 6496257 6497540 6499557 6502662 6504477 6505979
6491392 6492260 6493176 6494730 6496296 6497770 6499917 6502694 6504547 6505998
6491399 6492279 6493192 6494736 6496330 6497796 6500002 6502804 6504565 6505999
6491400 6492283 6493211 6494740 6496334 6497829 6500040 6502806 6504591 6506010
6491401 6492314 6493266 6494768 6496356 6497952 6500072 6502915 6504694 6506036
6491406 6492320 6493281 6494789 6496376 6498035 6500075 6502977 6504704 6506056
6491409 6492326 6493298 6494845 6496387 6498084 6500118 6503013 6504720 6506122
6491415 6492371 6493303 6494905 6496410 6498086 6500198 6503071 6504726 6506136
6491452 6492390 6493306 6494940 6496441 6498143 6500242 6503099 6504727 6506151
6491460 6492407 6493316 6494985 6496479 6498217 6500243 6503156 6504739 6506152
6491555 6492414 6493343 6495041 6496481 6498237 6500377 6503245 6504774 6506160
6491593 6492416 6493371 6495083 6496501 6498287 6500477 6503263 6504782 6506177
6491614 6492433 6493374 6495090 6496502 6498410 6500480 6503309 6504827 6506261
6491624 6492446 6493397 6495095 6496535 6498457 6500510 6503369 6504839 6506347
6491668 6492465 6493435 6495105 6496539 6498460 6500529 6503371 6504956 6506392
6491694 6492493 6493439 6495143 6496555 6498480 6500607 6503391 6504957 6506415
6491695 6492494 6493449 6495181 6496565 6498482 6500612 6503452 6504987 6506483
6491696 6492504 6493461 6495194 6496569 6498488 6500775 6503464 6505044 6506487
6491718 6492522 6493462 6495206 6496576 6498546 6500790 6503497 6505066 6506500
6491760 6492535 6493468 6495235 6496579 6498587 6500805 6503515 6505067 6506514
6491779 6492555 6493472 6495281 6496602 6498697 6501058 6503528 6505139 6506529
6491793 6492571 6493514 6495297 6496625 6498725 6501150 6503598 6505164 6506538
6491859 6492585 6493597 6495369 6496634 6498761 6501157 6503599 6505261 6506548
6491893 6492588 6493609 6495385 6496649 6498793 6501287 6503619 6505302 6506552
6491896 6492603 6493618 6495388 6496683 6498794 6501337 6503629 6505310 6506570
6491904 6492633 6493624 6495398 6496699 6498802 6501411 6503686 6505320 6506578
6491917 6492642 6493684 6495399 6496792 6498806 6501425 6503707 6505338 6506607
6491961 6492648 6493688 6495458 6496797 6498863 6501479 6503731 6505374 6506617
6491993 6492653 6493729 6495484 6496841 6498865 6501520 6503732 6505376 6506657
6492004 6492661 6493752 6495554 6496892 6498877 6501553 6503738 6505382 6506676
6492019 6492698 6493754 6495640 6496969 6498905 6501582 6503833 6505432 6506678
6492037 6492700 6493820 6495668 6496974 6499033 6501692 6503858 6505450 6506711
6492042 6492721 6493850 6495672 6497021 6499034 6501695 6503934 6505454 6506725
6492049 6492726 6493860 6495675 6497030 6499036 6501730 6503938 6505476 6506732
6492060 6492730 6493943 6495700 6497036 6499043 6501757 6503947 6505477 6506758
6492071 6492731 6493945 6495716 6497059 6499054 6501768 6503957 6505507 6506775
6492078 6492740 6493957 6495721 6497085 6499059 6501807 6503986 6505508 6506828
6492092 6492783 6493969 6495750 6497093 6499076 6501861 6504016 6505514 6506829
6492094 6492786 6493978 6495755 6497160 6499129 6502079 6504017 6505526 6506858

About Housing Authority

The Lancaster County Housing Authority is the Public Housing Authority (PHA) for Lancaster County, outside of the City of Lancaster which is served by its own housing authority. The Housing Authority provides rental assistance to low-income families through the Housing Choice Voucher Programs, and Emergency Rental Assistance Program for Lancaster County including Lancaster City.

The authority has 12 permanent employees and 9 temporary staff divided between the Housing Choice Voucher Program and Emergency Rental Assistance Program. The Housing Authority was established in 1981 and is designated as PA090 by HUD.

The Lancaster County Housing Authority does not have any public housing.