Basic Property Information
Please upload several color photographs of the property; including front, rear and both sides, if appropriate. Photographs showing neighboring properties would also be useful.
Name of Current Property Owner
Address of Current Property Owner
If the property that is being referred to the vacant property reinvestment board program becomes occupied, then the property will no longer be considered vacant. Thus, the property will be removed from the program, effective the date that the initial occupancy takes place.
Elements of Blight
Actions taken by the Vacant Property Reinvestment Board are based on the determination that blighted conditions exist on the subject property. The following includes a list of conditions that support a legal determination of blight. Please indicate which conditions below apply to the subject property and document this for each category. While it is technically possible to determine blight based on any one of the categories, please document all conditions that apply in any of the categories to the subject property.
Please include copies of all violations issued to the property owner.
The conditions below must be addressed and documented (if applicable), for the property to be considered.
“Blighted Property” - Blighted property shall include:
Additional Property Information
How long have the conditions of blight described above existed? (number of days/months/years)
What was the most recent previous use of the property?
Please Select Residential (single family) Residential (multi family) Commercial Other
If other, please describe:
Please provide a brief history of citations issued that document code violations, including dates of notification of violations and whether violations still exist.
Please see next question if you would prefer to attach citations or written reports rather than list violations.
If you would prefer to attach citations or written reports rather than list violations, please attach files here.
Provide any information regarding prior or current rehabilitation of this property.
List utilities that have been disconnected and date on which they were cut off (if known).
Is there any other information that you would like to provide?
We will acknowledge all property referral forms received; however, because of resource restraints, the Vacant Property Reinvestment Board may not be able to pursue every property referral.
Please contact Sean Krumpe at the Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority at (717) 394-0793 ext. 232 (or [email protected] ) if you have any questions on how to complete this form.