Providing opportunities for
non-profits & municipalities

The 2025 Public Improvements Round is Open

The Letter of Intent for the 2025 Public Improvements funding round is now open. All Letters of Intent will be due on Tuesday, April 8, 2025.

Program staff will hold consultations during the week of April 14th, at which time qualified Letters of Intent will be moved through to the application round. Applications will be due May 27, 2025.

Please direct any questions to Sean Krumpe by email or phone (717) 394-0793 Ext. 232.

Program Overview

The Public Improvements program of the Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority serves municipalities and qualifying 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that serve areas and populations determined to be eligible based on the guidelines established for the program by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). All projects funded must meet one of three established performance objectives; create economic opportunities, create suitable living environments, or provide decent affordable housing. Each project should have an outcome that increases the accessibility or availability, affordability, or sustainability of a service or neighborhood infrastructure.

A maximum of $200,000 will be granted to any project each fiscal year. All contracts are subject to federal prevailing wage requirements as the program is funded using HUD-provided Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding.

CDBG funds can be used for construction costs only, and at least five percent (5%) of the cost of construction contracts must be paid with non-CDBG funds. All project applicants are required to certify that a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the total project cost will be financed through non-CDBG sources of funding, this includes any soft costs including; legal, advertising, engineering, architecture, or design fees which are not eligible for CDBG funding.

All municipal projects must be located in primarily residential areas and benefit residents in an area that is at or above an eligibility criteria percentage established by HUD for Lancaster County for low- and moderate-income populations (Currently 45.20%) or can demonstrate through an income survey process that at least 51% of the residents of the project service area are low- and moderate-income.  Municipalities may verify project location eligibility using the 2016-2020 HUD LMI Mapping Tool.

Public Facilities and nonprofit applicants must serve clients who meet the federal cap for low- and moderate-income (80% Median Family Income) or are part of a presumed benefit population as defined by HUD.

How to Apply for Funding

The Letter of Intent for the 2025 funding round is now open. Applicants can access the application portal here: Neighborly Software | Dashboard. After creating an account for your organization or municipality, select the "Public Facilities and Improvements" application to complete the letter of intent. Application progress can be saved, allowing applicants to continue later. Please be sure to select "save" at the bottom of your current page before exiting. As a reminder, all Letters of Intent must be submitted by April 8, 2025.

Reach out to Sean Krumpe with any questions.

2024/25 CDBG Income Limits:

Household Size









80% Median Family Income









Presumed Benefit Populations:

Abused Children

Battered Spouses

Severely Disabled Adults

Homeless Persons

Illiterate Adults

Persons with AIDS

Migrant Farm Workers


Eligible Project Examples:

Sanitary Sewer Systems – Construct new sewage treatment plants and collections systems, or repair existing infrastructure

Sanitary Sewer System Extensions – Extend sanitary sewage collection lines beyond existing service areas.

Public Water System Distribution and Extensions – Construction of a new public water treatment plant, filtration plant, distribution system or extension project.

Neighborhood Improvement Projects – Curb and sidewalk replacement, major storm water management improvements, street reconstruction, or water main and sewer main replacement.

Parks and Recreational Facilities – Construct new facilities or purchase new equipment.

Public Facility Improvements – Energy efficiency improvements, handicap accessibility and other structural improvements to a public facility that benefits low- and moderate- income persons.