2024/25 CoC Builds

Continuum of Care Builds Notice of Funding Opportunity

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development released the Continuum of Care Builds Notice of Funding Opportunity (CoC Builds NOFO) on July 19, 2024. The Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority will be applying as the Collaborative Applicant for the opportunity, with all projects under the application vetted by the Office for the Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition, the Continuum of Care for Lancaster County and City. A copy of the full NOFO can be accessed below.

NOFO Document

Letter of Interest

The Lancaster County Continuum of Care (PA-510) and the Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority are seeking Letters of Interest related to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

Letters of Interest (LOI) are requested from interested organizations for projects that can meet the HUD requirements as described in the NOFO, LOIs received will be used to identify organizations that have the capacity and capability to execute a project within the contract execution timeline provided by HUD which meets the requirements of the program. The funds are intended to aid in the acquisition, construction, and/or rehabilitation of Permanent Supportive Housing units targeting individuals and families experiencing homelessness where at least one household member has a disabling condition. Funds can also be used for project-based rental assistance, supportive services, operating costs, and project administrative costs.

The LOI will be due at 11:59 pm on September 27, 2024, and an information session will be held on September 10, 2024, at 3:30 pm via a virtual meeting. Please contact Beth Dreyer-DeGoede for the meeting link.

Download Letter of Interest Form

Application Timeline

September 2024

October 2024

  • October 2-9, 2024: LCHRA will schedule one-on-one meetings with interested organizations to review LOI submission and grant application requirements
  • October 11, 2024: LCHRA to notify agencies concerned regarding project acceptance or rejection
  • October 14, 2024: Start of collaborative application development between LCHRA and selected subrecipients

November 2024

  • November 14, 2024: LCHRA deadline to obtain the local jurisdiction’s signed certification of consistency with their consolidated plan
  • November 15, 2024: End of collaborative application development between LCHRA and selected subrecipients, LCHRA begins application process
  • November 20, 2024: LCHRA will submit CoC Builds application and required attachments
  • November 21, 2024: HUD’s deadline to submit CoC Builds Application is 8:59:59 PM Pacific Time

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)?
    • PSH is permanent housing in which supportive services are provided to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness where one member of the household has a qualifying disability.
  • What individuals and families will be housed with the newly created PSH units?
    • PSH projects funded under this NOFO will serve individuals and families who meet the definition of homeless in 24 CFR 578.3 paragraphs (1), (2), or (4).
  • What is the Continuum of Care (CoC) Coordinated Entry System?
    • A centralized process designed to coordinate a household’s intake assessments and provide referrals to housing and service programs.
  • Can the proposed project be part of a mixed-unit site, where some units will be PSH and some will not?
    • Yes, it can. The CoCBuilds funding can only be used for the PSH units, but the PSH units can be part of a larger development that includes a mix of unit types.
  • Can a project already under construction be included in the application?
    • Current properties under construction or rehabilitation may be eligible for inclusion in this NOFO, providing certain criteria are met including compliance with environmental requirements, at 24 CFR 50 or 58.
  • What costs are allowed under this NOFO?
    • Eligible cost under this NOFO include the following items, please refer to the NOFO document for complete descriptions:
      • New construction, acquisition, and rehabilitation.
      • No more than 20% of an award for project-based rental assistance, operating costs, or supportive services.
      • No more than 10% of an award for project administrative costs.
  • If we request funds other than capital costs can we used those funds in another CoC Program project?
    • No, all funds requested must be used in the proposed projects. For example, requested supportive services for a capital cost project (new construction, rehabilitation, or acquisition) can only provide supportive services to eligible program participants who will reside in these completed units.
  • What is the match requirement?
    • The CoCBuilds NOFO has a 25 percent match requirement that can be cash or in-kind, or a combination of both. See 24 CFR 578.73 for additional information regarding the match.