The LCHRA Offices will be closed on Monday, February 17th, 2025, in observation of Presidents' Day.

Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition, in partnership with Berks and York County coalitions awarded Youth Homelessness System Improvement Grant

July 8, 2024

In collaboration with the Berks Coalition to End Homelessness and the York County Coalition on Homelessness, the Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition was awarded $990,057 as part of $51.1 million in Youth Homelessness Systems Improvement Grants (YHSI) to 38 communities across 26 states nationwide. Berks County will act as the administrator for the award while the Office for the Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition, as part of the Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority’s Human Services department, will oversee the Youth initiatives and collaboration including hiring a Youth Program Coordinator for the three-county region. Representatives from the tri-county area believe that the opportunity afforded by the YHSI grant for Berks, Lancaster, and York counties to work together to improve the youth homelessness response system is a valuable one. The funding received will strengthen each county’s coalition with a youth voice and perspective, create system mapping and racial and gender equity survey to identify gaps/barriers and develop new resources and connections for youth.

Elise McCauley, Assistant Director of the Berks Coalition to End Homelessness states that, ” The Youth Homelessness Systems Improvement (YHSI) grant is a critical investment for Berks County. Our current youth homelessness response system is limited, and we know there are many young people in need who aren’t being served. This grant will allow us to finally understand the true scope of the problem by gathering much needed data. With that information, we can develop actionable plans to bridge the gaps and create a truly effective response system for our most vulnerable youth.”

The financial support afforded by the YHSI grant will strengthen the youth homelessness response systems across the tri-county area. Kelly Blechertas, Program Coordinator at the York County Coalition on Homelessness expressed enthusiasm for the opportunity, “As part of a regional grant collaboration with our partners Berks and Lancaster Counties, we are excited to have the opportunity to broaden the scope of our youth systems building, to ensure those youth who are moving between communities can still access the important resources they need. YHSI provides a unique opportunity within federal housing assistance to partner across communities, and we are excited to show the impactful growth that can come from allowing these types of collaborations.”

The YHSI grant program’s focus is on making systemic changes to improve or create response systems for youth at risk of or experiencing homelessness but does not provide funding for direct services or housing for homeless youth. The goal of this tri-county initiative is to address youth homelessness by incorporating the voice of youth with lived experience, mapping of the youth services system across the three counties, and performing a racial and equity analysis of the three counties, strengthening each county’s youth action board.

“This grant is vital because it involves youth in the development of programs and services tailored to their unique needs and compensates them for their valuable contributions. Their insights will shape solutions that bring about positive change for our vulnerable community members.” – Marjorie Shaffer, Homeless Housing Coordinator, who serves as the Youth Homelessness Liaison with the Lancaster County Office for the Homelessness Coalition

The Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition envisions a future with a sustained, safe, and quality home for all who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Lancaster County. To learn more about the Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition or to support our work please visit

March 29, 2024

The offices of the Lancaster County Housing and Redevelopment Authorities will be closed on Friday, March 29, 2024 in observance of the Good Friday holiday.

September 26, 2023

The PA-510 Continuum of Care will be submitting their application to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development for their Entitlement Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) on September 28, 2023. Select Consolidated Application or Priority Listing for the documents.

September 11, 2023

The Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition (LCHC) has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for operating an emergency low-barrier shelter at Otterbein United Methodist Church (20 E. Clay St. Lancaster) for 29 months starting December 1, 2023.

Responses are due by 5:00pm on Friday, September 29, 2023, and should be submitted to Beth Dreyer-DeGoede at [email protected].

A copy of the RFP is available for review on the website at

August 17, 2023

On Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 4 pm, the Lancaster County Housing Authority, followed by the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Lancaster boards will be meeting in the 1st Floor Board Room at 28 Penn Square, Suite 100, Lancaster, PA. The Lancaster County Land Bank Authority board meeting has been cancelled for this month. Anyone interested in attending via Zoom should email Beth Dreyer-DeGoede at [email protected].

August 1, 2023

The 2023 Entitlement Notice of Funding (NOFO) Competition is open in eSnaps. The schedule for renewing and new applicants follows:

  • July 28, 2023: eSnaps open for renewal and new application

IMPORTANT:  PA 510 is open to new applications from qualified project providers that have not previously been funded.

  • Aug. 25, 2023 by 5 pm: Local Competition applications submissions due in eSnaps.


  • Sept. 13, 2023: Continuum of Care (CoC) Steering Committee review & approval of Project Priority Listing
  • Sept. 13, 2023: New and Renewal Project Applicants Informed of Application Acceptance Status (via email)
  • Sept. 26, 2023: Deadline for public posting CoC Consolidated Application and Priority Listing
  • Sept. 28, 2023: Closing Date for CoC Consolidated Applications no later than 8:00 p.m. ET

2023 Consolidated Application

2023 Priority Listing

July 20, 2023

On Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 4 pm, the Lancaster County Land Bank Authority, followed by the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Lancaster boards will be meeting in the 1st Floor Board Room at 28 Penn Square, Suite 100, Lancaster, PA. The Lancaster County Housing Authority board meeting has been cancelled for this month. Anyone interested in attending via Zoom should email Beth Dreyer-DeGoede at [email protected].

June 28, 2023

As a recipient of U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding, Lancaster County Housing and Redevelopment Authorities (LCHRA) must submit performance reports for the programs receiving funding. HUD then determines if LCHRA is in compliance and can continue to implement and administer the programs for which funding is received. This is notated in the Program Year Review Letter. The 2022 Program Year Review Letter is available to read here.

June 27, 2023

On Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 4 pm, the Lancaster County Housing Authority, followed by the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Lancaster boards will be meeting in the 1st Floor Board Room at 28 Penn Square, Suite 100, Lancaster, PA. Anyone interested in attending via Zoom should email Beth Dreyer-DeGoede at [email protected].

May 19, 2023

On Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 4 pm, the Lancaster County Housing Authority, followed by the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Lancaster boards will be meeting in the 1st Floor Board Room at 28 Penn Square, Suite 100, Lancaster, PA. Anyone interested in attending via Zoom should email Beth Dreyer-DeGoede at [email protected].