The Lancaster County Land Bank Authority (LCLBA) has issued a Request for Bids (RFB) for work related to the rehabilitation of the residential property at 318 Poplar Street in Columbia Borough.
Responses are due by 4:00pm on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, and should be submitted to Sean Krumpe, Program Coordinator – Acquisition and Rehabilitation at [email protected].
A copy of the RFB is available for review on the website at
LCLBA reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive proposal informalities, and to accept the lowest responsible proposal that serves the best interest of the organization.
LCLBA encourages women and minority-owned firms to submit bids.

The Lancaster County Land Bank Authority is seeking qualified professional services for the Structural Analysis and Environmental Phase I Review of the property at 336 Main Street in Denver PA.
Site visits for both will be Tuesday, July 7th. Masks are required. For more information, please see the Request for Proposals documents attached below.
Please contact Michaela Allwine at [email protected] or 717.394.0793 ext. 226 with any questions.

The Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority is distributing a Request for Proposals (RFP), for a qualified developer or contractor (Applicant) to acquire and rehabilitate a blighted property at 216 Perry Street in Columbia Borough.
In order for the Redevelopment Authority to consider a proposal to acquire the property, the Applicant must complete the application attached to this post.
Any questions please contact Michaela Allwine at [email protected]

The Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority is distributing a Request for Proposals (RFP), for a qualified developer or contractor (Applicant) to acquire and rehabilitate a blighted property at 838 Houston Street in Columbia Borough.
In order for the Redevelopment Authority to consider a proposal to acquire the property, the Applicant must complete the application attached to this post.
Any questions please contact Michaela Allwine at [email protected]

The Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority is distributing a Request for Proposals (RFP), for a qualified developer or contractor (Applicant) to acquire and rehabilitate a blighted property at 121-123 N. 5th Street in Columbia Borough.
In order for the Redevelopment Authority to consider a proposal to acquire the property, the Applicant must complete the application attached to this post.
Any questions please contact Michaela Allwine at [email protected]