Code Blue is in effect for Lancaster County between the evening of Sunday, January 19th and the morning of Saturday, January 25th.

Public Meeting – 2016-2020 Consolidated Plan and 2016 Annual Action Plan

March 14, 2016

A public meeting will be held on April 4, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. in Commission Room at City Hall, 120 North Duke Street, Lancaster, PA. The meeting will be held to provide the general public with an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed 2016-2020 Consolidated Plan and the Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Action Plan for the County of Lancaster (County) and the City of Lancaster (City).  The public comment period for these Plans begins with this notice and ends prior to the County Commissioners and City Council meetings scheduled for April 12, 2016.

The Consolidated Plan presents how the County will use funds provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) during fiscal years 2016-2020.  The Consolidated Plan contains information about the County and City’s needs relative to Housing, Homelessness, Non-Homeless Special Needs, and Non-Housing Community Development. It also includes information on the prioritization of needs, anticipated resources, goals, and strategies to govern the funding decisions over the next five years.

The Annual Action Plan presents the objectives to be achieved and the activities to be undertaken in fiscal year 2016 for both the County and City using HUD funds through the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Program, and the Emergency Solutions Grant. The anticipated resources also include program income and reprogrammed funds from prior years funds.  The total anticipated resources for the County is $6,360,081 and the City is $1,765,271 for 2016.

The proposed 2016-2020 Consolidated Plan and 2016 Annual Action Plan for the County and City can be viewed at the offices of the Redevelopment Authority and online at Additional copies of the draft Plans will be made available to the Community Action Program of Lancaster County, Spanish American Civic Association, Lancaster County Board of Commissioners, Lancaster County Planning Commission, the City of Lancaster, and the Lancaster County Library.

If you need language assistance, or you are a person with a disability who wishes to attend the public meeting and you require any auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodation to enable you to participate in the meeting, please contact the Aimee Tyson at (717) 394-0793 x211 or [email protected], at least two days beforehand, to discuss how we may best accommodate your needs.

Draft 2016-2020 Consolidated Plan and 2016 Annual Action Plan