Code Blue is in effect for Lancaster County between the evening of Sunday, January 19th and the morning of Saturday, January 25th.

Notice of Proposed Substantial Change – Lancaster County’s 2016-2020 Consolidated Plan

June 21, 2017

In accordance with the federal regulations governing the use of HOME Investment Partnership Program funds and the County’s Substantial Change Policy, the addition of a strategic goal to the 5-year plan that was not included in Lancaster County’s 2016-2020 Consolidated Plan will constitute a “substantial change”. The public is hereby informed of the substantial change to the 2016-2020 Consolidated Plan:

Associated Need: Affordable Housing – Production of New Units

Added Goal: Assist First-time Homebuyers

The public is invited to comment on the above changes in writing, by July 10, 2017, to Justin Eby, 28 Penn Square, Suite 200, Lancaster, PA, 17603. All comments related to the substantial change will be considered by the Lancaster County Commissioners at their regularly scheduled meeting on July 11, 2017. A copy of the amended Plan will be available for public review in the offices of the Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority.