The last day for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program will be September 30, 2024.

Joint Request for Proposals (RFP): Lancaster County and City of Lancaster Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) – Coronavirus

July 14, 2021

Lancaster County (County) and the City of Lancaster (City) announce the availability of Emergency Solutions Grant Coronavirus (ESG-CV) funds provided to the County and City by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as enabled in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) (Public Law 116-136).

The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Lancaster (Authority), on behalf of the County and City, requests proposals from organizations seeking ESG-CV CARES Act funding to replenish equipment and supplies in emergency shelter facilities that were overutilized and or depleted because of efforts to prevent, prepare for and respond to COVID-19.  Eligible expenses include but are not limited to cots, mattresses, shelving, storage space, cleaning supplies, etc. to prevent, prepare for and respond to COVID-19. 

Additional information about the application and submission process can be found on the Authority’s website, on the City’s website at, or by emailing the Authority at [email protected] and the City at [email protected].  

The Joint Request for Proposals document can be downloaded below. Applications for programs or activities supporting housing and homelessness are due by July 23, 2021. Completed proposals should be emailed to the Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority and the City Community Development Division.