Code Blue is in effect for Lancaster County between the evening of Sunday, January 19th and the morning of Saturday, January 25th.

HUD Programmatic Agreement Section 106 Historical Review DRAFT

July 5, 2022

The Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority acting in its capacity as Responsible Entity, is working with the Region 3 Office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to develop a Programmatic Agreement (PA) that will apply to Section 106 review of projects in Lancaster County that are subject to Part 58 and Part 50 of HUD’s environmental regulations (24 CFR Part 58 and 24CFR Part 50). The PA will cover review of HUD-assisted projects in Community Development Block Grant, Emergency Solutions Grant and HOME Investment Partnerships Programs. The purpose of the PA is to improve the efficiency of Section 106 review of HUD projects while fostering the protection of historic properties that might be affected by the projects.

As the Responsible Entity for Part 58 reviews, we would like to invite interested parties and the public to provide feedback and participate in the development of this PA, as part the Section 106 consultation process.

A draft of the PA is posted here.

Please provide comments by: DATE: 07/22/2022

Written comments should be addressed to Rachel Valmonte, Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority, 28 Penn Square, Suite 200, Lancaster PA 17603, or submitted via email to [email protected].

The PA will cover projects that involve public facilities, public improvements, housing development and housing rehabilitation. The PA exempts from Section 106 review a list of types of activities that do not cause effects to historic resources, like refinancing of existing buildings without any rehabilitation, replacement of heating systems, bathroom and kitchen remodeling, and repair of roofs and windows.  Projects that include activities other than those types of exempted activities, like substantial rehabilitation and new construction, will still undergo a complete Section 106 review, including consultation with SHPO, tribes and other consulting parties.

The streamlined process outlined in the PA will apply to HUD offices and Responsible Entities (units of state and general local government and tribes) that conduct Section 106 review of HUD projects and that have signed the PA as Signatory Parties.

More information on the Section 106 review process is available at