Code Blue is in effect for Lancaster County between the evening of Sunday, January 19th and the morning of Saturday, January 25th.

Get the Lead Out with the Lead Hazard Control Program!

June 21, 2017

The Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority has partnered with the City of Lancaster to bring the Lead Hazard Control Program to families throughout the county. Assistance is available to reduce or eliminate lead hazards in housing for qualified Homeowners of owner-occupied units AND Landlords. Eligible applicants will receive financial assistance to address lead hazards in the home found through a Risk Assessment and Lead-based Paint Inspection.

 Repairs may include replacement or repair of windows, doors, and floors.

 Lead Hazards Control Program Brochure

County Application for Landlords

County Application for Homeowners

Who is eligible:

– Homeowners or tenants living in a property built before 1978

– Families with children under the age of 6 living at or frequently visiting the home

– Residential buildings with 1-4 units

– Homeowners of owner-occupied units must be income eligible

What are the Requirements:

–  Owner must have property insurance

–  Owner must be current on mortgage, and taxes and financial obligations.

–  Owner of rental properties must contribute 20% of project cost; Homeowners of owner-occupied units are not required to contribute to cost

–  Rental units must be marketed to low-income families with children under the age of 6 for three (3) years

For More Information, Contact Michaela Allwine, [email protected] or 717.394.0793 x 226 


Q. What is a Lead-Based Paint Inspection/Risk Assessment?

A. An inspection and assessment will be completed on-site to determine any lead based paint hazards. This assessment will be completed at the same time and a copy of the findings will be provided to the owner for their records

Q. How long will it take to have the work done?

A. Depending on the number of hazards identified, the program could take up to two (2) months from start to finish.

Q. Will I, or tenants, have to relocate while work is being completed?

A. Every effort will be taken to make the unit safe while remediation is underway.

Q. Can I choose the contractor to perform the work?

A. The Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority has a list of Lead Certified Contractors that are able to bid on the remediation project. The owner can choose from this list, or provide the names of other Lead Certified Contractors.