HUD has released a Special NOFO that could provide an additional $4.35 million over three years to Lancaster County to address unsheltered homelessness. The Special NOFO is required to be submitted to HUD no later than October 20, 2022 and the entitlement NOFO date is still pending. (As the local CoC support agency, all submissions from local service agencies to expand programs or launch a new program must be in eSNAPS by September 20th at 5:00pm.) This Special NOFO is an opportunity to bring additional funding to build capacity with services addressing homelessness throughout the county. During the Informational meeting, we expect to discuss the Special NOFO (new projects for unsheltered needs) and entitlement NOFO (potential bonus projects, expanding current project, and consolidating projects).
Invitation: You are invited to attend an Information Meeting on Thursday, August 11th at 8:00am at the Lancaster County Public Safety Training Center (101 Champ Blvd in Manheim). Please park in the lot behind the building and enter through the main doors at the rear of the building.
- General overview of the entitlement NOFO and special NOFO
- Explore future partnerships for new programs and expansion of current programs
- Explanation of next steps
Any interested provider (current or new) is encouraged to attend the information meeting. Projects anticipated can be as small as 2-4 unit scattered site housing programs. Projects are financially supported through the NOF0 (e.g., rental subsidy and supportive services) but will require match funds (cash & in-kind).
Please RSVP that your agency will be attending this information session and # of people to ensure adequate space by Wednesday, August 10th to [email protected] . Please feel free to distribute this email to other providers.