The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Lancaster (the Authority) wishes to establish a roster of pre-qualified engineering and design firms from which to select consultants to provide technical support for the Authority’s Borough Revitalization Program, Rental Housing Program, Public Improvements Program and other programs as requested by the Authority.
Under its established procurement policy, the Authority may award contracts for services valued at less than $3,000 through sole source selection. Contracts valued at greater than $3,000 but less than $20,000 require at least three informal bids, which may be solicited by phone, email or fax. The purpose of this RFQ is the vetting of interested firms to be called on for projects within these cost parameters. It is hoped that greater familiarity with firms’ services, and their greater understanding of our program goals, will result in faster turnaround on smaller projects and a better pairing of firms with projects.
Contracts greater than $20,000 in value will continue to require full sealed bids.
The selected firms will provide a wide range of services as requested by the Authority on a pay-as-you-go basis. These will be non-exclusive contracts; the Authority reserves the right to contract with any firm deemed appropriate given the needs of any individual project.
Statements of Qualifications should be submitted to:
Justin Eby, Program Manager
Redevelopment Authority of Lancaster County
202 N. Prince St., Suite 400
Lancaster, PA 17603.
The process will be opened ended; firms may submit qualifications at any time following issuance of this notice.
Questions may be addressed to Mr. Eby at (717) 394-0793 ext. 225 or by email at [email protected].
Program Background
Borough Revitalization Program
The Authority assists boroughs and other jurisdictions seeking to pursue downtown redevelopment/revitalization projects. The initiative is designed to build on community planning already in place; the downtown should already have a master plan or other similar document defining objectives for the redevelopment/revitalization effort. Projects pursued will be consistent with these plans as well as the County’s comprehensive plan. Many such plans are drafted but are slow to be implemented because the municipalities lack the specific redevelopment and economic development skills necessary to advance the projects. It is the goal of the Authority to provide these skills within the context of state redevelopment statutes.
In many, but not all, cases, the Authority will be working within designated Redevelopment Areas as defined in 35 P.S. §1710. Typical tasks to be contracted out include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Conduct building evaluations to assess structural condition and condition of major building systems; prepare as-built plans.
- Prepare GIS evaluations of sites considered for redevelopment.
- Conduct environmental assessments (both Phase I and Phase II) and prepare remediation plans.
- Evaluate site constraints including, but not limited to, air quality, flood plains, wetlands, and historical resources; prepare recommendations for addressing issues identified.
- Prepare assessments of utilities, water and wastewater capacity, storm water management, noise analysis and street infrastructure capacity in relation to proposed redevelopment projects.
- Provide standard redevelopment planning and site engineering services including, but not limited to, preparation of schematic redevelopment plans for individual buildings and redevelopment sites.
HUD-funded Programs
The Authority administers HUD allocations awarded to the county for the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) and the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME). These funds are used primarily to fund the development and renovation of affordable housing, and for infrastructure improvements such as water and sewer systems and street upgrades. Typical tasks that may be contracted out as needed include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Review of plans to assess responsiveness to relevant design standards.
- Conducting environmental and historical reviews.
- Cost certifications.
Firms desiring to be considered for these occasional contracts are asked to submit a statement of credentials including:
- An overview of the firm’s specialties and areas of competence, including a statement of the technical areas for which they would like to be considered.
- Bios of principles and specialists who would oversee work performed by the firm.
- Examples of past work.
- At least three references.
- A statement confirming that the firm is fully licensed.
Establishment of Contractor Roster
All firms providing information that meets the qualifications stated above will be placed on the roster to be considered for future projects. Participation is not an assurance that the firm will be invited to bid on projects; the decision on who will be invited to bid will be made at the sole discretion of the Authority based on the nature of each project and the qualifications submitted. The Authority reserves the right to negotiate with any firm, whether on the roster or not, as to the scope of work and price for any project.